Random work-related updates

There is life besides covid19.

  1. We’ve started blogging a bit as a group on our website, which is a development I am happy about.
  • http://big-data-biology.org/blog/2020-04-29-NME/ : The famous Tank story of a neural network that purported to tell apart American from Soviet tanks, but just classified on the weather (or time of day) is probably an urban legend, but this one is true. What I like about this type of blogging is that this is the type of story that takes a lot of time to unravel, but does not make it to the final manuscript and gets lost. [same story as Twitter thread]. Most of the credit for this post should go to Célio.
  • http://big-data-biology.org/blog/2020-04-10-cryptic : A different type of blogpost: this is a work-in-progress report on some our work. We are still far away from being able to turn this story into a manuscript, but, in the meanwhile, putting it all in writing and out there may accelerate things too. Here, Amy and Célio share most of the credit.

2. We’ve updated the macrel preprint, which includes a few novel things. We have also submitted it to a journal now, so fingers crossed! In parallel, macrel has been updated to version 0.4, which is now the version described in the manuscript.

3. NGLess is now at version 1.1.1. This is mostly a bugfix release compared to v1.1.0.

4. We submitted two abstracts to ISMB 2020: The first one focuses on macrel, while the second one is something we should soon blog about: we have been looking into the problem of predict small ORFs (smORFs) more broadly. For this we took the dataset from (Sberro et al., 2019) which had used conservation signatures to identify real smORFs in silico and treated it as a classification problem: is is possible to based solely on the sequence (including the upstream sequence) to identify whether a smORF is conserved or not (which we are taking as a proxy for it being a functional molecule).

Towards typed pipelines

In the beginning, there was the word. The word was a 16 bit variable and it could be used to store any type of information: you could treat it as an integer (signed or unsigned) or as a pointer. There was no typing. Because this was very error-prone, Hungarian notation was invented, which was a system whereby the nameof a variable was enhanced to contain the type that the programmer intended, so that piCount was a pointer to integer named Count.

Nowadays, all languages are typed, either at compile-time (static), at run-time (dynamic), or a mix of the two and Hungarian notation is not used.

There are often big fights on whether static or dynamic typing is best (329 million Google hits for “is static or dynamic typing better”), but typing itself is uncontroversial. In fact, I think most programmers would find the idea of using an untyped programming language absurd.

Yet, there is one domain where untyped programming is still widely used, namely when writing pipelines that combine multiple programmes. In that domain, there is one type, the stream of Bytes. The stream of Bytes is one of the most successful types in programming. In fact everything is a file (which is snappier than everything is a stream of Bytes, even though that is what it means) is often considered one of the defining features of Unix.

Like “B” programmes of old (the untyped programming language that came before “C” introduced all the type safety that is its defining characteristic), most pipelines use Hungarian notation to mark file types. For example, if we have a file called data.fq.gz, we will assume that it is a gzipped FastQ file. There is additionally some limited dynamic typing: if you try to un-gzip a file that is not actually compressed, then gzip is almost certain to detect this and fail with an error message.

However, for any other type of programming, we would never consider this an acceptable level of typing: semi-defined Hungarian notation and occasional dynamic checks is not a combination proposed by any modern programming language. And, thus, the question is: could we have typed pipelines, where the types correspond to file types?

When I think of the pros and cons of this idea, I constantly see that it is simply a rehash of the discussion of types in programming languages.

Advantages of typed pipelines

  1. Better error checking. This is the big argument for types in programming languages: it’s a safety net.
  2. More automated type-transformations. We call this casting in traditional programming languages, to transform one type into another. In pipelines, this could correspond to automatically compressing/decompressing files, for example. Some tools support this already: just pass in a file with the extension .gz and it will be uncompressed on the fly, but not all do and it’s not universal (gzip is widely supported, but not universally so and it is hard to keep track of which tools support bzip2). In regular programming languages, we routinely debate how much casting should be automatic and how much needs to be made explicit.


  1. It’s more work, at least at the beginning. I still believe that it pays off in the long run is true, but you do require a bit more investment at the onset. In most programming languages, the debate about typing is dead: typing won; However, there is still debate on static vs dynamic typing, which hinges on this idea of more work now for less work later.
  2. False sense of security as there will still be bugs and slight mismatches in file types (e.g., you can imagine a pipeline that takes an image as an input and can accept TIFF files, but actually fails in one of the 1,000s of subtypes of TIFF files out there as TIFF is a complex format). This is another mirror of some debates in programming languages: what if you have a function that accepts integers, but only integers between 0 and 100, is it beneficial to have a complex type system that guarantees this?
  3. Sometimes, it may just be the right thing to do to pass one type as another type and a language could be too restrictive. I can imagine situations where it could make sense to treat a FastQ file as a columnar file to extract a particular element from the headers. Perhaps our language needs an escape hatch from typing. Some languages, such as C provide such escape hatches by allowing you to treat everything as Bytes if you wish to. Others do not (in fact, many do so indirectly by allowing you to call C code for all the dangerous stuff).

I am still not sure what a typed pipeline would look like exactly, but I increasingly see this as the question behind the research programme that we started with NGLess (see manuscript), although I had started thinking about this before, with Jug (https://jug.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).

Update (July 6 2019): After the initial publication of this post, I was pointed to Bioshake, which seems to be a very interesting attempt to go down this path.

Update II (July 10 2019): A few more pointers: janis is a Python-library for workflow definition (an EDSL) which includes types for bioinformatics. Galaxy also includes types for file data.

NG-meta-profiler & NGLess paper published

(I wanted to write about this earlier, but June was a crazy month with manuscript submissions, grant submissions, and a lot of travel.)

The first NGLess manuscript was finally published. See this twitter thread for a summary, which I will not rehash here as I have already written extensively about NGLess and the ideas behind it here.

I also wrote a Nature Microbiology Community blogpost with some of the history behind the tool, emphasizing again how long it takes to get to a robust tool.

Compared to the preprint, the major change is that (in response to reviewer comments) we enhanced the benchmarking section. Profiling metagenomics tools is difficult. If you use an in silico simulation, you need a realistic distribution as a basis. In our case, we used real data to define the species distribution (using mOTUs2, see https://motu-tool.org/). To obtain the simulated metagenomes, we simulated reads from sequenced genomes according to the real data distribution. There are limitations to this approach, in that we still miss a lot of the complexity of real samples, but we cannot simulate the true unknown. In the end, the functional profiles produced by NG-meta-profiler had high correlations with the ground truth (0.88 for the human gut, 0.82 for the marine environment, Spearman correlation).

Additionally, we included a more explicit discussion of the advantages of NGLess for developing tools like NG-meta-profiler, in the Pipeline design with NGLess section.

NIXML: nix + YAML for easy reproducible environments

The rise and fall of bioconda

A year ago, I remember a conversation which went basically like this:

Them: So, to distribute my package, what do you think I should use?

Me: You should use bioconda.

Them: OK, that’s interesting, but what about …?

Me: No, you should use bioconda.

Them: I will definitely look into it, but maybe it doesn’t fit my package and maybe I will just …

Me: No, you should use bioconda.

That was a year ago. Mind you, I knew there were some issues with conda, but it had a decent UX (user-experience), and more importantly, the community was growing.

Since then, conda has hit scalability concerns, which means that running it is increasingly frustrating: it is slow (an acknowledged issue, but I have had multiple instances of wait 20 minutes for an error message, which didn’t even help me solve the problem); mysterious errors are not uncommon, things that used to work now fail (I have had this more and more recently).

Thus, I no longer recommend bioconda so enthusiastically. What before seemed like some esoteric concerns about guaranteed correctness are now biting us.

The nix model

nix is a Linux distribution with a focus on declarativereproducible builds.

You write a little file (often called default.nix) which describes exactly what you want and the environment is generated from this, exactly the same each time. It has a lot going for it in terms of potential for science:

  1. Can be reproducible to a fault (Byte-for-Byte reproducibility, almost).
  2. Declarative means that the best practice of store your environment for later use is very easy to implement1

Unfortunately, the UX of nix is not great and making the environments reproducible, although possible is not so trivial (although it is now much easier). Nix is very powerful, but it uses a complicated domain-specific language and a semi-documented, ever evolving, set of build conventions which makes it hard for even experienced users to use it directly. There is no way that I can recommend it for general use.

The stack model

Stack is a tool for Haskell which uses the following concept for reproducible environments:

  1. The user specifies a list of packages that they want to use
  2. The user specifies a snapshot of the package directory.

The snapshot determines the versions of all of the packages, which automated testing has revealed to work together (at least up to the limits of unit testing). Furthermore, there is no need to say “version X.Y.Z of package A; version Q.R.S of package B,…”: you specify a single, globally encompassing version (note that this is one of the principles we adopted in NGLess, as we describe in the manuscript).

I really like this UX:

  • Want to update all your packages? just change this one number.
  • Didn’t work? just change it back: you are back where you started. This  is the big advantage of declarative approaches: what you did before does not matter, only the current state of the project.
  • Want to recreate an environment? just use this easy to read text file (for technical reasons, two files, but you get the drift).



This is an afternoon hack, but the idea is to combine nix’s power with stack‘s UX by allowing you specify a set of packages in nix, using YaML

For example, start with this env.nlm file,

nixml: v0.0
snapshot: stable-19.03
  - lang: python
    version: 2
      - numpy
      - scipy
      - matplotlib
      - mahotas
      - jupyter
      - scikitlearn
  - lang: nix
      - vim

Now, running

nixml shell

returns a shell with the packages listed. Running

nixml shell –pure

returns a shell with only the packages listed, so you can be sure to not rely on external packages.

Internally, this just creates a nix file and runs it, but it adds the stack-like interface:

  1. it is always automatically pinned: you see the stable-19.03 thing? That means, the version of these packages that was available in the stable branch on March 2019.
  2. the syntax is simple, no need to know about python2.withPackages or any other nix internals like that. This means a loss of power for the user, but it will be a better trade-off 99% of the time.

Very much a Work in progress right now, but I am putting it out there as it is already usable for Python-based projects.

  1. There are two types of best practices advice: the type that, most people, once they try it out, adopt; and the type that you need to keep hammering into people’s heads. The second type should be seen as a failure of the tool: “best practices” are a user-experience smell.

NGLess preprint is up

We have posted a preprint describing NG-meta-profiler and NGLess in general:

NG-meta-profiler: fast processing of metagenomes using NGLess, a domain-specific language Luis Pedro CoelhoRenato AlvesPaulo MonteiroJaime Huerta-CepasAna Teresa FreitasPeer Bork 

My initial goal was to develop a tool that (1) used a domain-specific language to describe computation (2) was actually used in production. I did not want a proof-of-concept as one of the major arguments for developing a domain-specific language (DSL)  is that it is more usable than just doing a traditional library in another language. As I am skeptical that you can fully evaluate how good a tool is without long-term, real-world, usage,  I wanted NGLess to be used in my day-to-day research.

NGLess has been a long-time cooking but is now a tool that we use every day to produce real results. In that sense, at least, our objectives have been achieved.

Now, we hope that others find it as useful as we do.

Why NGLess took so long to become a robust tool (but now IS a robust tool)

Titus Brown posted that good research software takes 2-3 years to produce. As we are close to submitting a manuscript for our own NGLess, which took a bit longer than that, I will add some examples of why it took so long to get to this stage.

There is a component of why it took so long that is due to people issues and to the fact that NGLess was mostly developed as we needed to process real data (and, while I was working on other projects, rather than on NGLess). But even if this had been someone’s full time project, it would have taken a long time to get to where it is today.

It does not take so long because there are so many Big ideas in there (I wish). NGLess contains just one Big Idea: a domain specific language that results in a tool that is not just a proof of concept but a is better tool because it uses a DSL; everything else follows from that.

Rather, what takes a long time is to find all the weird corner cases. Most of these are issues the majority of users will never encounter, but collectively they make the tool so much more robust. Here are some examples:

  • Around Feb 2017, a user reported that some samples would crash ngless. The user did not seem to be doing anything wrong, but half-way through the processing, memory usage would start growing until the interpreter crashed. It took me the better part of two days to realize that their input files were malformed: they consisted of a few million well-formed reads, then a multi-Gigabyte long series of zero Bytes. Their input FastQs were, in effect, a gzip bomb.

    There is a kind of open source developer that would reply to this situation by saying well, knuckle-head, don’t feed my perfect software your crappy data, but this is not the NGLess way (whose goal is to minimize the effort of real-life people), so we considered this a bug in NGLess and fixed it so that it now (correctly) complains of malformed input and exits.

  • Recently, we realized that if you use the motus module in a system with a badly working locale, ngless could crash. The reason is that, when using that module, we print out a reference for the paper, which includes some authors with non-ASCII characters in their names. Because of some weird combination of the Haskell runtime system and libiconv (which seems to generally be a mess), it crashes if the locale is not installed correctly.

    Again, there is a kind of developer who would respond to this by well, fix your locale installation, knuckle-head, but we added a workaround.

  • When I taught the first ngless workshop in late 2017, I realized that one of inconsistencies in the language was causing a lot of confusion for the learners. So, the next release fixed that issue.
  • There are two variants of FastQ files, depending on whether the qualities are encoded by adding 33 or 64. It is generally trivial to infer which one is being used, though, so NGLess heuristically does so. In Feb 2017, a user reported that the heuristics were failing on one particular (well-formed) example, so we improved the heuristics.
  • There are 25 commits which say they produce “better error messages”. Most of these resulted from a confused debugging session.

None of these issues took that long to fix, but they only emerge through a prolonged beta use period.

You need users to try all types of bad input files, you need to try to teach the tool to understand where the pain points for new users are, you need someone to try to it out in a system with a mis-installed locale, &c

One possible conclusion it that for certain kinds of scientific software, it is actually better if it is done as a side-project: you can keep publishing other stuff, you can apply it on several problems, and the long gestation period catches all these minor issues, even while you are being productive elsewhere. (This was also true of Jug: it was never really a project per se, but after a long time it became usable and its own paper).

Quick followups: NGLess benchmark & Notebooks as papers

A quick follow-up on two earlier posts:

We finalized the benchmark for ngless that I had discussed earlier:

As you can see, NGLess performs much better than either MOCAT or htseq-count. We tried to use featureCounts too, but that completely failed to produce results for some of the samples (we gave it a whopping 1TB of RAM, but it used it all up before crashing).

It also reveals that although ngless was developed in the context of our metagenomics work, it would also likely do well on the type of problems for which htseq-count is currently being used, in the domain of RNA-seq.


Earlier, I also  wrote skeptically about the idea of replacing papers with Jupyter notebooks:

Is it even a good idea to have the presentation of the results mixed with their computation?

I do see the value in companion Jupyter notebooks for many cases, but as a replacement for the main paper, I am not even sure it is a good idea.

There is a lot of accidental complexity in code. A script that generates a publication plot may easily have 50 lines that do nothing more than set up the plot just right: (1) set up the subplots, (2) set x- and y-labels, (3) fix colours, (4) scale the points, (5) reset the font sizes, &c. What value is there in keeping all of this in the main presentation of the results?

The little script that generates the plot above is an excellent example of this. It is available online (on github: plot-comparison.py). It’s over 100 lines and, even then, the final result required some minor aesthetic manipulations in inkscape (so that, if you run it, the result is slightly uglier: in particular, the legend is absent).

Would it really add anything to the presentation of the manuscript to have those 100 lines of code be intermingled with the presentation of ngless as a metagenomics profiler?

In this case, I am confident that a Jupyter notebook would be worse than the current solution of a PDF as a main presentation with the data table and plotting scripts as supplemental material.

NGLess timing benchmarks

As part of finalizing a manuscript on NGLess, we have run some basic timing benchmarks comparing NGLess to MOCAT2 (our previous tool) and another alternative for profiling a community based on a gene catalog, namely htseq-count.

The task being profiled is that performed in the NGLess tutorials for the human gut and the ocean: 3 metagenomes are functionally profiled by using a gene catalog as a reference. The time reported is for completing all 3 samples (repeated 3 times to get some variability measure).

The results are that NGLess is overall much faster than the alternatives (note that the Y-axis measures the number of seconds in log-scale).  For the gut dataset, MOCAT takes 2.5x, while for the ocean (tara) one, it takes 4x longer.


The Full  column contains the result of running the whole pipeline, where it is clear that NGLess is much faster than MOCAT2. The other elements are in MOCAT nomenclature:

  • ReadTrimFilter: preprocessing the FastQ files
  • Screen: mapping to the catalog
  • Filter: postprocessing the BAM files
  • Profile: generating feature counts from the BAM files

Htseq-count works well even for this settings which is outside of its original domain (it was designed for RNA-seq, where you have thousands of genes, as opposed to metagenomics, where millions are common). NGLess is still much faster, though.

Note too that for MOCAT, the time it takes for the Full step is simply the addition of the other steps, but in the case of NGLess, when running a complete pipeline, the interpreter can save time.

The htseq-count benchmark is still running, so final results will only be available next week.

I also tried to profile using featureCounts (website), but that tool crashed after using up 800GB of RAM. I might still try it on the larger machines (2TiB of RAM), but it seems pointless.

The scripts and preprocessed data for this benchmark are at https://github.com/BigDataBiology/ngless2018benchmark

Bug-for-bug backwards compatibility in NGLess

Recently, I found a bug in NGLess. In some rare conditions, it would mess up and reads could be lost. Obviously, I fixed it.

If you’ve used NGLess before (or read about it), you’ll know that every ngless script starts with a version declaration:

ngless "x.y"

This indicates which version of NGLess should be running the code. Since the bug changed the results, I needed to make a new version (we are now at version 0.8).

The question is what should NGLess do when it runs a script that uses an older version declaration? I see three options:

1. Silently update everyone to the new behavior

This is the typical software behavior: the new system is better, why wouldn’t you want to upgrade? Because we’d be breaking our promise to make ngless reproducible. The whole point of having the version line is to ensure that you will always get the same results. We also don’t want to make people afraid of upgrading.

2. Refuse to run older scripts and force everyone to upgrade

This is another option: we could just refuse to run old code. Now, at the very least, there would be no silent changes. It’s still possible to install older versions (and bioconda/biocontainers makes this easy), so if you really needed to, you could still run the older scripts.

3. Emulate the old (buggy) behavior when the user requests the old versions

In the end, I went with this option.

The old behavior is not that awful. Some reads are handled completely wrong, but the reason why the bug was able to persist for so long is that it only shows up in a few reads in a million. Thus, while this means that NGLess will sometimes knowingly output results that are suboptimal, I found it the best solution. A warning is printed, asking the user to upgrade.

How NGLess uses its version declaration

NGLess is my metagenomics tool, which is based on a domain specific language. So, NGLess is both a language and a tool (which implements the language).

Since the beginning, ngless has had a focus on reproducibility and one the small ways in which this was implemented was that ngless requires a version declaration. Every ngless script is required to start with a version declaration:

    ngless "0.5"

This was always intended to enable the language to change while keeping perfect reproducibility of past scripts. Until recently, though, this was just hypothetical.

In October, I taught a course on NGLess and it became clear that one of the minor inconsistencies in the previous version of the language (at the time, version “0.0”) was indeed confusing. In the previous version of the language, the preprocess function modified its arguments. No other function did this.

In version “0.5” (which was released on November 1st), preprocess is now a pure function, so that you must assign its output to a value.

However, and this is where the version declaration comes into play, the newer executable still accepts scripts with the version declaration ngless "0.0". Furthermore, if you declare your script as using ngless 0.0, then the old behaviour is used. Thus, we fixed the language, but nobody needs to update their scripts.

Implementation note (which shouldn’t concern the user, but may be interesting to others): before interpretation, ngless will transform the input script, adding checks and optimizing it. A new pass (which is only enabled is the user requested version “0.0”), simply transforms the older code into its newer counterpart. Then, the rest of the process proceeds as if the user had typed in the newer version.